5 things to know about your audience

How to understand your audience and create great content.

Przemek Chojecki


When a user lands on your blog or resource center, what do they want to read first?

Do they want to read an article they’ve read before, or are they looking for something new?

How do they see the world differently from you, and how do they use it?

These are questions we should be asking ourselves as we build and grow our blog sites.

Focusing on the right questions can help us constantly improve ourselves as users, writers and business owners.

Take a look at the top 5 questions that make a difference for users and writers.

5 things to learn about your audience. Make the difference for users.

5 Questions That Make the Difference for Users

1. How do I see the world differently from you, and how do I use it?

It can be hard to tell what is important to a user. That’s why it’s important to focus on questions that show the user what you want them to see.

For example, if you want to make sure that a user always sees your content, you should ask them how they can use your content.

You don’t want to ask a user to see 5 different images to understand how to use your site.

Instead, you should ask them how they use your site and what they want to see.

If the user doesn’t know what to look for, they can’t really tell what the content is.

You can also use these questions to dive deeper into the content.

Users and writers are usually pretty specific in what they want to see.

They’ll be more specific in their questions if you ask them to see a specific piece of content.

This means you can ask more specific questions such as, “How do you use this content?” and “What are the best ways to use this content?”

You don’t want to ask them to look at a chart or read a wiki page.

When you ask them what they want to see, you’re asking them to see pieces of content that they want to see.

2. How do I see the…



Przemek Chojecki

AI & crypto, PhD in mathematics, Forbes 30 under 30, former Oxford fellow.